The 10 Best Places to Hide Valuables in Your Home
Submitted by LesWhite on Sun, 11/30/2014 - 09:06The 10 Best Places to Hide Valuables in Your Home
by Nick Gromicko and Kate Tarasenko
Burglary is a crime of opportunity. And burglars don’t want to spend a lot of time looking through a home to find things of value to steal, which is why there are obvious locations that they always check. That means that there are ways to outsmart them by hiding your valuables in not-so-obvious places, and sometimes even in plain sight.
Tamper-Resistant Receptacles
Submitted by LesWhite on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 08:14It is estimated that approximately 2,400 children suffer from electrical shock and burns in the home each year when they force foreign objects into unprotected electrical outlets. Installing tamper-resistant receptacles (TRRs), also called tamper-resistant outlets, are one way to safeguard young ones in the home to prevent serious injury.